Acne Scars

Acne Scars

Resurfacing Treatments

  • FCo2
  • Erbium Yag Laser
  • Fractional Microneedling RF
  • Celebrity Glow – PRP+ FCo2 / ErYag, FRF
  • Subcisions

Acne scarring is common but surprisingly difficult to treat. Scars can involve textural change in the superficial and deep dermis, and can also be associated with erythema, and less often, pigmentary change.


Classification of acne scars

  • Rolling
  • Ice pick
  • Shallow box-car
  • Deep box-car


Management modules:

  • Resurfacing treatments:
  • Ablative resurfacing: FCo2, Erbium Yag laser
  • Microneedling RF:Intracel
  • Filler injection
  • Excision and Subcision
  • Treatment for color change:Q-Switch laser

Acne scarring is a complex problem that is not amenable to a simple, definitive solution. Depending on specific patient features and preferences, a combination of several treatment procedures may be appropriate.

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